Total Raised to Date: $450 ARTAOS Farahnheight Gallery Total Raised to Date: $390 Bailey Elora Total Raised to Date: $135 Bruce Trujillo Total Raised to Date: $656.11 Buckstein Total Raised to Date: $700 Cory Phare Total Raised to Date: $542.8 DJ Ian Douglass Total Raised to Date: $600 Flahoola Total Raised to Date: $815 Florea Total Raised to Date: $250 Futurebirds Total Raised to Date: $555 Hi-Dive Total Raised to Date: $68 HR People Total Raised to Date: $103 Humble Francis Total Raised to Date: $250 Langhorne Slim Total Raised to Date: $575 Logan Dailey Total Raised to Date: $125 Lost Walks Total Raised to Date: $173.3 LVDY Marquis Total Raised to Date: $457 Morning Bear Total Raised to Date: $221 Neon the Bishop Total Raised to Date: $250 Nick Shoulders Total Raised to Date: $575 Nordic Daughter Total Raised to Date: $252 Orpheus Music + Arts Collective Total Raised to Date: $500 Ryan Mahrer Total Raised to Date: $138.5 San Andrea Total Raised to Date: $615 Sarah Slaton Total Raised to Date: $111 The Black Buzzard Total Raised to Date: $120 The Hg Collective Total Raised to Date: $147.29 The Losers Club Total Raised to Date: $312 The Mazlows Total Raised to Date: $736.83 The Motet Total Raised to Date: $210 To Be Astronauts Total Raised to Date: $505.41 Too Many Humans Total Raised to Date: $100 Twin Flame Medicine Total Raised to Date: $214 Wynn Rutberg