Danielle Lumpkin

Mental Health and Wellness Manager

Joined June 3, 2024

danielle in front of trees

Danielle (she/her) grew up on the East Coast, primarily in Delaware. Though she always loved the arts, she began to engage with them more in college when she immersed herself in the local underground music scene in Delaware. It was during this time that she re-discovered her love of writing and learned the power of poetry as a tool for mental wellness.

After graduating from the University of Delaware in 2018 with an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Women’s Studies with a concentration in Domestic Violence Prevention and Services, Danielle moved to Colorado where she again found herself immersed in a creative community.

Since moving to Colorado, Danielle has worked with victims of crimes, those with eating disorders, the homeless, and pregnant and parenting youth. She is currently enrolled in a Master of Social Work program at the University of Denver in the hopes of becoming a licensed Social Worker and providing therapy services to survivors of trauma.

She is passionate about increasing access to mental health and wellness education and resources to historically marginalized communities. As a self-proclaimed “social justice warrior” she believes every human deserves to have equitable access to the support they need and deserve.

Good Days

A Poem by Danielle Lumpkin

There are days when

There’ve been so many

Dark days that it

Seems that dark days may

Never cease to come


There are days when

The good days seem

So few and far between

Like lightning strikes

Or comets

In the night sky


But there are days that

Remind me that

Even after days and days

Weeks and weeks, months and months,

Of the darkest hours

There always will be

Good days.