Tyler, the Creative
Joined December 1, 2020

Why Support YOR
I love how Youth on Record provides direct support for the local community. You can see it in their extensive music studio, classes and passion for the music industry.
About the Company
m a 29-year-old VCU graduate who's passionate about music, film, podcasts, writing, travel and am a proud member of the LGBTQ community. After moving to Denver out of college I spent the next three years working with the Mile High City’s largest independent digital magazine, 303 Magazine. Over that time I covered the local and national music scene, film and film festivals and more. At one (overly ambitious) point I even launched a successful — now annual — music festival in Denver and printed two compilation albums on vinyl. Now, I split my time between Denver and Salt Lake City managing my business and working with Sundance Film Festival.
YOR Support
- Create fundraising (ticket sales, matching, sponsors, record sales, creative events/projects)
- Open to all the things!
Upcoming Shows / Events / Projects
Past Shows / Events / Projects