Andrea's Birthday and Live at 5 with Jonny5!
Andrea and Jamie thought they should do a mashup!
Let's Celebrate Andrea's Birthday and bring back Live at 5 with Jonny5 of the Flobots!
Join us on Wednesday, December 21st (Andrea's Actual BDAY) at Ratio Beerworks
$1 from every beer goes back to Youth on Record!
Flobots MC, Jonny5 will be at Ratio Beerworks, ready to write some new tunes—with your help of course. Here’s how it works—donate some money—give Jonny5 a word or a verse to incorporate into a song, and he will perform it LIVE at Ratio for you and your friends. If you donate for a whole verse, he will not only perform it LIVE, but also record a personalized video and send it to you!
This is going to be a great time!! So bring your friends and co-workers, have a beer or two and support Youth on Record!