March 12, 2020
Rationale for closure and commitment to community:
Youth on Record will suspend in-person programming at our Youth Media Studio and at our partner school locations in Denver and Aurora Public Schools, and in youth residential treatment centers, starting March 14, 2020. We will offer virtual programming until the outbreak of COVID-19 is contained, or until the situation improves.
As an organization that values academic success and artistic excellence by providing access to shared spaces that build community support and creative exploration for Colorado’s youth, this is not an easy decision. However, the information at our disposal tells us that social distancing is critical to the safety and public health of our community.
As with any public health event, it is often the most vulnerable who are disproportionately impacted. Youth on Record takes the needs of these community members very seriously, and intends to do everything we can to support, protect, and defend people who may be overlooked, underserved, and under resourced at this time. Helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is the most effective way we can support and protect our community right now.
Local Artists Will Continue to Get Paid:
Youth on Record’s musicians and artists serve as educators and mentors to 1,400+ teens annually throughout the state of Colorado. Their health and well-being is critical to our work. As such, YOR is committed to paying all of our teaching artists and contracted artists throughout the duration of our suspension of in-person services, or for as long as we are able. YOR will work to ensure that our musicians and their families have the resources they need to stay well, and in the case that they become ill, YOR will do everything in our power to provide full payments, stipends, plus additional goods and services to ensure that our artists are cared for. Many, if not all, of our artists will continue to work, albeit virtually and remotely.
Timely Updates and Communication
This global pandemic is changing rapidly. YOR knows this and will do our best to stay ahead of the curve in terms of the safety of and support for our community. We will not ignore scientific evidence that tells us that this will get worse before it gets better. We will be proactive, supportive, measured, and even innovative during this time when our community needs us the most.
YOR will host an COVID-19 FAQ page on our website. Please check daily, as it will change as new, science-backed information is released. We will also keep our community informed via all social media channels.
We love our youth, our artists, our staff, and our school partners, so it is critical that we do all we can to care for our beloved community. COVID-19 presents a lot of unknowns, but what we do know is that limiting contact with people is a critical way we all can prevent the spread of the virus. We hope fellow community organizations will join us in doing what we can to slow-down the spread of COVID-19.
Why did Youth on Record choose to suspend in-person programming at the Youth Media Studio?
YOR is closing our Youth Media Studio because we love our youth, and we want to continue to do all we can to care for our beloved community.
COVID19 presents a lot of unknowns. But what we do know is that limiting contact with people is one way we all can prevent the spread of the virus. Like with any public health event, it is often our most vulnerable who are disproportionately impacted. Youth on Record takes the needs of these community members very seriously, and intends to do everything we can to support, protect, and defend people who may be overlooked, underserved, and under resourced at this time. Helping to prevent the spread of COVID19 is one way we can do that.
I want to continue to donate to Youth on Record. How will my donation be used at this time?
First, it’s important to note that any contributions to YOR at this time will be used for essential programs and services only. We will make the most of all funds received, and will ensure that we are the best stewards of the funds you contribute.
Youth on Record will continue providing services, only now our services will be offered digitally. Your donation will support YOR’s amazing staff of artists as they lesson plan, record their workshops, and engage online with students.
Further, YOR supports the well-being of every child by providing resources for their emotional and mental wellness needs. Now more than ever, young people need to feel safe, encouraged, and even inspired. Our team will remain in daily contact with our students. Your contributions will support these efforts.
Further, there is a chance that YOR will need to purchase essential equipment in order to provide our services digitally. Some contributions will support these purchases.
I’m a music fan and a music lover. How can I stay connected to the local music community right now?
There are many ways to stay connected to the local music community while maning safe social distancing. Considering downloading Youth on Record’s music podcast, and check-out some local music online from Denver’s Headroom Sessions. CPR Indy 102.3 is a big supporter of the local scene, so be sure to tune in; same goes for KTCL Channel 93.3’s locals only show every sunday night.
I’m a school or youth services provider that wants to schedule a field trip to Youth on Record. Are you still hosting field trips?
Currently Youth on Record is not hosting field trips due to COVID19 outbreak. Until we are back to normal operations please contact jesus@youthonrecord.org to be placed on a waiting list. We will reach out after Youth on Record is back to normal operations. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
I want to book a youth performer. Is Youth on Record still taking inquiries about booking artists?
We love that you want to book one of our talented students! However, in order to keep our young people safe, we are encouraging them to not attend public events at this time. Please contact jesus@youthonrecord.org for more inquiries about booking our talented youth once the COVID19 outbreak is contained.
I’m a school or youth services provider that wants to schedule a field trip to Youth on Record. Are you still hosting field trips?
Currently Youth on Record is not hosting field trips due to COVID19 outbreak. Until we are back to normal operations please contact jesus@youthonrecord.org to be placed on a waiting list. We will reach out after Youth on Record is back to normal operations. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
I want to support what Youth on Record is doing for the community. What’s the best way to get involved right now?
- Stay healthy!
- Stay informed!
- Donate to our essential services
- Share our podcast
- Continue to support local music
- Be kind to one another
What is Aurora Public Schools doing about COVID 19?
For the most recent correspondence from Aurora Public School Superintendent Rico Munn, please follow this link: https://aurorak12.org/2020/03/10/supt-message-covid-19-update/
What is Denver Public Schools doing about COVID 19?
For the most recent correspondence from Denver Public Schools, please follow this link: https://www.dpsk12.org/coronavirus-covid-19-update-march-10/