October 17, 2024

Keeping Cool: Simple Ways to Find Calm in a Busy World

With nearly two months of school behind us, some students might be feeling their stress levels creeping up. Stress can feel overwhelming, but it’s actually a normal reaction to life’s changes and challenges. In fact, when we handle stress in healthy ways, it can even work for us, helping us stay focused on our goals, stay motivated, and build resilience to face whatever comes our way.

The Four A’s of Stress Management

Research shows that there are four powerful ways to manage stress, whether it feels motivating or overwhelming. These are known as the Four A’s:

  1. Avoid: Sometimes, taking a break from what’s stressing you out is exactly what you need. Step back, engage in a favorite hobby, or spend time with supportive friends. If it’s a person causing stress, a little distance might help you feel more in control and ready to handle the situation.
  2. Alter: Speak up! Share your needs and set boundaries with the people around you. They might not realize what’s adding to your stress, and being open can give others a chance to better support you.
  3. Accept: There are things we can’t control, and that’s okay. Finding ways to accept tough situations can make a big difference. Trusted friends, supportive adults, or mental health professionals can provide a safe space to release stress and gain perspective.
  4. Adapt: Try looking at stress from a different angle. Instead of feeling stuck, set realistic goals, celebrate your wins, and remind yourself of what’s going well.

Extra Tips for Tackling Stress:

  • Break It Down: Small steps add up. Break tasks into smaller parts, focusing on one thing at a time to reduce stress and boost focus.
  • Take Mindful Breaks: Short walks, breathing exercises, or stretching can refresh your mind and body.
  • Limit Distractions: Set specific times to check social media and turn off notifications when focusing.

Poll: How Do You Manage Stress?

  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Venting to someone you trust
  • Enjoying a hobby that brings you joy
  • Journaling, meditating, or other ways of connecting with yourself

Additional Resources: Check out this Circle of Control Activity to learn a helpful way to practice accepting and adapting to stress.

Circle Of Control Activity For Kids - Good Mental Health And Stress Management

Looking for more community support?
Give Us the Floor offers a safe, online space where young people can connect, share, and explore their unique voices and identities. In these anonymous group chats, organized by age and interests, youth can open up and receive non-judgmental feedback without fear of stigma. It’s a place for sharing daily struggles, celebrating accomplishments, and finding a true sense of belonging. For those who need extra help, resources are available to ensure everyone gets the support they need.